a children's halloween

decorating done by my children

decorating done by my children

costumes sewn by elisabeth!

costumes sewn by elisabeth!

elisabeth's pumpkin

elisabeth's pumpkin

As you can gather by the captions, my children really took charge of Halloween this year. I had a lot going on with work deadlines and bronchitis-that-may-or-may-not-have-been-pneumonia (according to my doctor, so we treated it like pneumonia just in case, I never got a chest x-ray to confirm), so we decided early in October that Elisabeth would sew the costumes (she wanted to, anyway). She is awesome at sewing and did an incredible job! My sewing machine broke on her mid-way through and needed to go into the shop (it was overdue for a service, anyway), so we had to borrow my sister-in-law's VERY different machine to finish up, and she did a great job adjusting to the unfamiliar equipment!

I was excited that my crew agreed on theme costumes again this year (last year was a Halloween-Christmas mashup that I never posted about here), and Peter Pan is an especially fun theme. Of course people are always confused about one member of the group, so this year, no one seemed to realize that Elisabeth was Wendy Darling. 

I took more photos but this is all I had the patience to edit online (still waiting to repair our iMac with all my actual photo software on it). I am so proud of Elisabeth's work on these costumes, and her patience both with the process and with hovering (and occasionally nagging) younger siblings. 

I was also excited that these costumes turned out to be very affordable! We used lots of coupons and sale fabrics, and we already had all the notions, thread, elastic, etc., that we needed on hand. 

Patterns used were McCall's 3051 for Wendy, Simplicity 7784 for Peter Pan, Simplicity 2872 for Tinker Bell (I really liked this pattern's take on the fairy costumes—rather than a literal translation of the Tinker Bell look, it loosely applies it to cute dresses, which really expresses my costuming "philosophy", if I have one, that costumes should give the impression of something more than look like a literal copy of it), and Simplicity 9844 for Captain Hook, which you can see looks about 1,000 times better when made than it does on the pattern envelope. It is so cute and John is my only extroverted child, so he was quite into the entire process of dressing up and parading around the neighborhood. He got tons of attention and soaked it up! We couldn't find the old pirate hook we had from Nova Natural many years ago, so we ended up having to pick up a plastic one at the last minute. 

Anyway, altogether we had a great Halloween with much merriment, and I was so happy that my children took a lead role in decorating, costuming, and pumpkin carving this year. As bittersweet as the whole growing up thing is, it is a joy to see the traditions we have set up really being owned by them as they get older. 

Happy Halloween!

Stitch along

Photo courtesy of Alicia Paulson

Photo courtesy of Alicia Paulson

My kit, getting ready to go! 

My kit, getting ready to go! 


Two and a half years ago, Ginny and I had the idea to host a stitch along for Alicia Paulson's awesome Winterwoods ABCs cross stitch sampler. Last week, Alicia released a new cross stitch pattern and kit, My Sweetiepie ABCs. Ginny suggested that we host another stitch along, and I was definitely on board!  

A is for Apple! 

A is for Apple! 

Cross stitch is such a fun and easy craft, totally accessible even to inexperienced and beginning crafters.  These patterns are simple enough, and the instructions clear enough, that I don't think you need any previous experience.*

I'm posting from my phone, so I encourage to to visit Ginny's post for more links and details! I hope you can join us!

*Alicia did not pay me to say that! Neither Ginny nor I will receive anything for promoting Alicia's pattern & kit, other than the fun sense of community from stitching along with others!