One year old!


Today is James's first birthday! I just cannot believe how fast this year has gone.

One year ago, I was cradling my newborn boy. He was born first thing on a snowy morning. I awoke with some mild contractions, but I wasn't really convinced it was labor at first. I wasn't due for almost 3 weeks! Within a few minutes, though, the contractions began in earnest, and we called my midwife and my friend Rachel who was coming to be Elisabeth's support person. Fortunately she lives very close! By the time Rachel and my midwife's assistant arrived, I had been in labor for about 30 minutes, and I was already pushing. My midwife came in just in time to catch him, 60 minutes after the beginning of labor.

so excited about the birthday ring

James entered this world peacefully, gently, quietly, and his birth seems to have been a foreshadowing of his personality. He is a quiet, tender little soul who amazes me constantly. He's remarkably mellow (especially when compared with the powerhouse of Elisabeth!), and almost always seems to be in good spirits. He has been such a blessing to our family, and especially to Elisabeth, who completely dotes on him. Witnessing the unfolding of their relationship has certainly been the greatest blessing over the last year, though it has been a year of tremendous growth for all of us, especially me, as I've grown into my role as mama to two indredibly different wee ones.

birthday ring

There has been much celebration today, and more to follow this evening. What a joy to celebrate having this little boy in our lives!

playing with the farm

Happy Birthday, Baby Boy!