Winner of Mornings with Saint Thérèse


Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway! I also wanted to wish my Catholic readers a blessed feast of Our Lady of the Rosary today! Our Lady fights our battles for us! This feast day is like a huge BAM! 💥👊🏼

The winner is first commenter, Katie Andrews. Please contact me via my contact page, Katie, and I will send your book out early next week. 

My goal is to start posting to the ol' blog here with more frequency, maybe once a week to begin with. Wouldn't that be fun? Let's hope I can stick with this goal! It's hard to think of things to post after such a long break, but I intend to give it a try. See you soon!

Mornings with Saint Thérèse

St. Thérèse is very dear to me. Over the last several years in particular, she has become a very real friend to me during both turbulent times and ordinary days. I think that many Catholics have a favorite Thérèse story. Mine was last year, during a time that I was faced with a fairly scary situation, I told Thérèse that if she were to send me a rose, she needed to make it obvious because I'm too dense to catch it otherwise. The next morning, we accepted a spontaneous invitation to the zoo with some friends. We turned a corner at the zoo, and there was an enormous (like 16 feet high) rose made of Legos! I had to laugh because in that moment, I really knew Thérèse had my back. She was by my side. The communion of saints felt very concrete to me that day.

By a happy turn of events, I recently found myself in possession of an extra copy of this beautiful book, Mornings with Saint Thérèse, and I would like to give one away. Please leave a comment below and I will select a winner on Friday, October 7. And thank you for popping in to my much-neglected little space here! ♥